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The Hidden Reasons You Might Not Be Losing Weight: A Fitness Coach's Insight for Busy Mums

It's an all too common scenario – you've been trying to lose weight for weeks, maybe even months. You've been tracking your calories religiously, and you're pretty sure you're in a calorie deficit, but that stubborn scale just isn't budging. You might be wondering, "What am I doing wrong?" Well, it could be a few things, and as a fitness coach, I want to help you navigate through these potential pitfalls.

  1. Underestimating Caloric Intake:

Despite your best intentions, it’s possible to underestimate your caloric intake. Research has shown that most people unintentionally underestimate the number of calories they consume daily. This could be due to not taking into account the "little bites" or "tastes" throughout the day, not considering portion sizes, or forgetting to log some foods altogether.

Remember to count everything – that includes the milk in your coffee, the oil used for cooking, and even that small piece of chocolate you treated yourself to. A food scale and a good food tracking app can be helpful in keeping you accurate and accountable.

  1. Overestimating Caloric Burn:

The other side of the coin is overestimating the calories you burn during your workouts. Many fitness trackers, and especially cardio machines, can overestimate caloric burn. Plus, your body might adapt to repetitive exercises over time and become more efficient at performing them, which means burning fewer calories than before.

Try to focus more on the quality of your workouts, not the estimated calories burned. Incorporate strength training to build lean muscle, which helps boost your metabolic rate even at rest.

  1. Neglecting Sleep and Stress Management:

Sleep and stress have a more significant impact on your weight loss journey than you might think. Lack of sleep and chronic stress can mess with your hormones, leading to increased appetite, cravings for unhealthy foods, and even a slower metabolism. Prioritise quality sleep and stress management techniques like mindfulness or yoga. Your mind and body will thank you.

  1. Not Getting Enough Protein and Fibre:

Protein and fibre are key for satiety and metabolic health. If you're not getting enough, you may find yourself feeling hungry more often, which can lead to snacking and unintentionally overeating. Plus, protein helps maintain muscle mass, which is crucial for keeping your metabolism up.

Try incorporating more lean protein sources like chicken, tofu, or lentils into your meals, and up your fibre intake with vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

  1. Not Drinking Enough Water:

Sometimes, our bodies confuse thirst with hunger. By staying properly hydrated, you can help prevent these false hunger signals. Plus, drinking water can help with digestion and even slightly boost your metabolism.

Remember, weight loss is not a straightforward journey. It's a complex process that involves more than just calories in versus calories out. It's about creating sustainable, healthy habits that you can maintain in the long run. So don't beat yourself up if the scale doesn't move as quickly as you'd like. Take it one day at a time, and remember that progress is progress, no matter how small.

As a busy mum, you're already doing an amazing job. Stay strong, stay consistent, and the results will follow.

To your health and happiness,


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