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How to Bounce Back after a Binge and Skip Week

Bad weeks happen to everyone. Sometimes, we fall off our healthy habits, and it can feel like we’re never going to get back on track. However, the good news is that you can recover from a week (or even a month) of binging and skipping exercise.

Here are some tips to help you get back on track:

  1. Don't beat yourself up: Remember that everyone has setbacks and it’s okay to indulge in your favourite foods and skip a workout or two. What's important is to focus on moving forward and not dwelling on the past.

  2. Refocus your goals: Reflect on why you started your healthy lifestyle in the first place and refocus on your goals. This will give you a fresh perspective and the motivation to get back on track.

  3. Make a plan: Plan out your meals and workouts for the upcoming week. This will give you a sense of structure and help you avoid falling into old habits.

  4. Get support: Having a coach or a supportive friend can be incredibly helpful when it comes to accountability. They can help keep you on track and provide encouragement when you need it most.

  5. Start small: It can be tempting to try and make up for lost time by doing a lot of exercise or eating only salads, but this approach is not sustainable. Instead, start with small, manageable goals and gradually increase as you become more comfortable.

If you need support then be sure to drop me a message so we can chat, my aim is to help and support you through the good weeks of course but ultimately hold your hand through the tough ones!

Look forward to chatting

Claire xx

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